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Mahmood Awan Community Constituent Award


Mr. Awan has been privileged to receive the Outstanding Constituent Award from MP Wilson Miao. He has been volunteering for the City of Richmond for more than fifty years. 

Mr. Awan has witnessed first hand the effectiveness and strength of volunteering in his community. His life of service has been his passion and privilege in serving Richmond and his Pakistani Canadian community. He has been the Owner and President of Premier Automatic Transmissions since 1979 and has given his time to many policing organizations with the RCMP and Vancouver and Richmond health boards. 

The many organizations he has been involved in have included Touchstone Family Association which has been instrumental in providing justice, equity and inclusion services, the Richmond Aquatic Center to develop frameworks for Richmond’s aquatic facilities, College of Podiatric Surgeons where he provided medical reviews and recommendations, Office of the Commissioner of Review Tribunals and Canada Pension Plans and Old Age Security Appeals where he assisted in administering decisions on pension plans and old age appeals through a fair process, Spirit of BC was a province wide program that represented over 200 communities in which he helped to create countless opportunities for local programs, the BC Multicultural Advisory Committee where he was instrumental in bridging gaps related to multiculturalism and anti-racism, the Spirit of Islam at the UBC Museum of Anthropology where he collaborated with members of the Muslim community to present outstanding examples of Islamic art and calligraphy from different historical periods. 

It was Mr. Awan’s honour to be a part of establishing the first mosque in Western Canada. He has also served on many Pakistani Canadian organizations in varying capacities from President, Vice President and Director to promote Pakistani culture at home and abroad.
