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Muslim participation in the provincial Election 2020.


The BC provincial election is around the corner.  British Colombians have a tougher choice to make at this election as our province continues to grapple with many challenges. Covid 19 cases steadily rise endangering people's life. Economic conditions further deteriorate leaving many jobless. Opioid overdose crisis has claimed countless lives and affordable housing still remains as a major concern for the British Columbians. Angus Reid institute therefore has regarded this election as one of the most unique provincial elections in B.C's history. (

As residents of BC are getting ready to cast their ballots, some Muslims have the following questions regarding election.

1. Why is the political engagement necessary?

2. Is it permissible for Muslims to partake in the democratic election?

3. What should be the criteria for selecting a candidate?

4. Should we vote for a Muslim candidate regardless of his party's vision for the society?

This article is to address the above concerns from the religious perspective 

1. Importance of political engagement:

The Sirah of the prophet peace be upon him teaches us that Muslims should be part of the political process in the society that they live in.  Participation is for the betterment of the society. It is further important for Muslims, living in non-Muslim lands, as minorities, to be politically active so that they can protect their religious rights and the freedom to practice it.

Prophet peace be upon him soon after his migration to Madinah engaged himself politically by making alliances with different Non-Muslim tribes and drafted a charter ensuring rights for all the residents. This charter according to Dr Hamidullah became the first ever written constitution in the world. It was this political engagement that gave the prophet peace be upon him the upper hand in the society and became a turning point in the history of Islam, leading it from persecution to flourishment. It is therefore said," A community that isolates from the political engagement loses its significance and proper place in the society.”

2. Is it permissible in Islam to partake in the democratic election?

There is no doubt that democracy is a system of governance based on man-made laws that, at times, contradict with the values and principles of Islam making it an unideal system for the Muslims. However, it appears to be closer to Islamic concept of governance among the other prevailing systems in today's world. 

Furthermore, the necessity to protect one's religious rights requires the participation of Muslims in democratic elections especially the ones living in non-Muslim lands. Not doing so may jeopardize their rights and threaten their existence. This is why the leading Muslim scholars of the contemporary world agree on this issue. European Ifta council, a leading body of prominent Muslim jurists states," Muslims should participate with the goal of defending rights, good values, and establishing the presence of Muslims in non-Muslim lands. Participating in politics in its original ruling is permissible but can shift between permissible, encouraged, or obligatory. This is based on the following verse: 

“Cooperate upon goodness and piety and do not cooperate in sin and hostility.( Ma'idah:2)

(European ifta council resolution 2006, Istanbul)

In regard to supporting a political party that has things in its agenda contrary to the teachings of Islam - Muslims can support a candidate of such a party if it offers a greater good to the society . It is in light of the juristic principle that states when the choice is in between the two evils, then take the lesser of the two evils. ( Al Wajiz Fil Qawaid: 98)

Explaining this further, a prominent British Muslim scholar Mufti Ibn Adam Al kawthari writes;

“In a situation where there is no worthy candidate (as in non-Muslim countries, where at least the ideologies and beliefs of the relevant parties are contrary to the teachings of Shariah), then the vote should be given to the one who is the better and trust worthy than the other candidates. If it is thought that a particular candidate or party will be of benefit to the general public in their day to day affairs, then the vote should be given to them. And by voting a particular party, it will not be considered that one agrees with all their ideologies and beliefs".( Fatawa Al kawthari)

3. The criteria for choosing a party.

The following criteria should be adhered to while casting the ballot.

A. Muslims should read every party's manifesto to find out which party offers the best in all spheres of life e,g education, housing, health and social justice etc.

B. The objective clearly must be to bring benefit to all and especially to Muslims 

C. The vote should not be based on personal interest or relationship to the person, rather the communal welfare.

D. The candidate should be well qualified for the position they are seeking.

E. Candidate should not be known for deception, corruption or animosity to Islam and Muslims. 

4. Voting for Muslim versus Non-Muslim candidate. 

Some Muslims ask, Is voting for a Muslim candidate necessary irrespective of his party's vision for the society?

 When we turn to Quran in this regard, we find that Allah says that the purpose of all Divine revelations and arrival of the prophets is to establish justice on earth. (Al Hadid: 25). Quran further emphasizes on upholding justice in all affairs of life even if one has to bear personal loss or go against his loved ones.( Al Nisa:135)

These Quranic verses teach us that  supporting justice, promoting  goodness  and forbidding wrong  is the primary responsibility of the  leader  of a society and if he fails to do so, he doesn't deserve the leadership. Therefore Ibn taymiyah  RA said, "Allah will not  sustain an  unjust system of governance even if it is run by a Muslim ruler. On the other hand, He can let a non-Islamic government to survive if it is just".

Therefore if a Muslim candidate  does  not offer  general good to the public then he cannot be supported just because he is a Muslim, as supporting him will be supporting the wrong.

In conclusion, it is time that Muslims get serious about the political engagement in the west and prove their importance through their participation in civic affairs. Remember! Your vote is your voice and an effective way to defend your rights, thus do not miss the opportunity to vote in this provincial election.

May this election be a means of bringing peace, stability and economic prosperity to our province Ameen.
