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Hajj 2020 – Reflect and Reconnect.


As the pandemic grips the globe, and as Muslims around the globe preparing themselves for the second most important festival in Islam, Eid Al-Adha it is time for the Ummah to conduct an introspection and in retrospect examine our own conduct, behaviour and our relationship with Allah. In March, a Saudi artist sketched a beautiful painting of a lone cleaner praying all alone in front of the Kaabah, reflecting an honor given to a cleaner amongst 1.6 billion Muslims by Allah to be able to worship him. It was a powerful message to all Muslims around the globe to return to Allah – reflect and reconnect with Allah. 

As we witness the power of almighty who has control over everything and everyone. It is only him who can change our conditions. 

There was indeed a great sadness among the Muslim ummah after the Saudi government announced that pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia will not be allowed to attend the Hajj this year due to pandemic. Especially for those whom had made intentions and even had deposited their money to attend the Hajj 2020. 

However, we must find solace that Allah is also merciful. Our Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said, every action is dependant upon its intentions. To those who may be experiencing grief over not being able to attend the Hajj this year, despite their sincere intentions and efforts that Allah is all aware of your intentions. 

Not all is lost, and this is not the first time that the Hajj has been cancelled. There have been more than forty occasions in Islamic history when Hajj had been cancelled. in addition, Hajj being cancelled should not prevent us from making efforts to get closer to Allah (SWT) and take advantage of these ten most virtuous days in an Islamic calendar that lead up to Hajj. 

“We may long for Hajj – but we have alternative means of worship” was an op-ed published online highlights the views of Sheikh Haitham Al-Dukhin, Imam of the Education City Mosque at Qatar Foundation, who explains that, “for those who intended to perform the rites of Hajj but are unable to because of COVID-19, “a sincere intention” and good deeds bring the same reward.”

The Sheikh explains that “Allah ordered Muslims to perform some worships only if they are able to perform them; if they are not able to, he gave us alternatives that are equally rewarding.”

Among those is the sincere intent. If someone has an honest intention and has prepared themselves physically and financially to perform Hajj, but was forced to call it off because of other obstacles, then Allah is forgiving, and a sincere intention is enough to grant them the same reward as if they had actually performed Hajj. As Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “If Allah finds any good in your hearts, he will give you something better than what has been taken from you and he will forgive you”. Also, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), said in a Hadith: “Actions are judged by their intentions, so each human will have what he intended”.

He further added, “As Muslims, we must also make a particular effort during the blessed 10 days and nights of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, which are deemed the most sacred days of each year. Muslims unable to make it to Hajj have an opportunity to increase their good deeds in ways that compare to the actions of Muslims who have made the journey to Mecca and the sacred House of Allah. Allah places the highest value and reward on performing good deeds during this specific time of the year, as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “There is no virtue more to the liking of Allah in any day than in these days, that is, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. They (the Companions) asked: Messenger of Allah, not even the struggle in the path of Allah? He said yes, not even the struggle in the path of Allah, except a man who goes out (in the path of Allah) with his life and property  and does not return with any of them.”

In addition, Allah swore to the greatness of these days in the Holy Qur’an, where it says: “And the best day among them all is the day of Arafat, the day when Allah forgives the sinners and respond to prayers”. And the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about this day: “There is no day in which Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than he does on the day of Arafat”. He also urges us to fast during this day, saying: “Fast the day of Arafat, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive the sins of the year after it, and the year before it.”

So, increase your good deeds during these days through fasting, reading the Holy Qur’an, providing food for the poor and needy, praying, and praising Allah’s name. As Allah said: “Glorify Allah for that to which he has guided you” and “praise the name of Allah on appointed days.” 

So, let us all take rejoice in mercy and compassion of Allah (SWT) and rather than being saddened by this unfortunate event. Let’s be more grateful to Allah for giving us an opportunity to be closer to him by other means and good deeds. Increase as many good deeds as possible. Muslims in other parts of the world are dealing with much more arduous conditions during this pandemic than us living in Canada. Let’s make sure they are looked after. If you know anyone needing assistance, reach out to them, and offer them your assistance. If you have the means, offer an extra sacrifice this year to be distributed among the poor and needy – keep less and give more. 

There are many ways to get closer to Allah, we must search for the path sincerely and wholeheartedly and Allah will guide us to it. 

This Eid Al-Adha lets make a pledge to get closer to Allah. 

From all of us at Al-Ameen Post Eid Mubarak to you and your friends and families. 
