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Sadness & Solidarity


Our heartiest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in Quebec Mosque massacre of hate crime.  There is nothing that could replace their loved ones.  May Allah bless their souls. Though, as true martyrs they are already in Paradise.

Killing true Muslims who are praying and prostrating to their One Lord Creator, just like Messiah Jesus (AS), and Prophet Moses (AS) prayed and prostrated to HIM: such can only end up in one place and that is Paradise.

To enter Paradise we are all working so hard, and in some cases we pay thousands to buy the tickets from the Spiritual leaders to get in one of their 6 Heavens owned by them.

But the hate-monger killer made it easier for the Muslim worshipers and opened up the doors of Paradise free of charge.

Most amazing positive result is shown by the thousands of godly people showing their solidarity with grieving Muslims and sharing their grief for loosing their loved ones in the evil shooting.
Evidently, such tragedy has led to the most positive action of Solidarity and pluralism, and proving majority are the honest and caring people. Thank GOD.

Such hate crimes will be in rise according to the Islamic and Biblical prophecies and the suffering of Believers will increase by such evil people including the fake Muslims and ISIS anti-Islamic Sharia.

May Allah-Creator-GOD save us from such evil ones.
