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Will Canada Under liberals take a stand for Palestine?


December 23, 2016 the world witnessed a historic shift or some may even view it as a paradigm change in United States policy regarding Israel-Palestine conflict at the United Nation. It was the first time U.S. President Barack Obama declined to block a Security Council resolution that Israel considered hostile, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused him of staging a “shameless ambush” against his country. Netanyahu warned countries that backed the measure they would pay a diplomatic and economic price. 

The UN Security Council Resolution 2334 passed, describes Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as illegal and an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians, by 14-0, with US abstaining.

Some may question, How significant is this latest shift by the Obama Administration, that has less than a month left in the office? In reality this is as some of the media outlets suggest, a window dressing by Obama Administration, trying to justify its own incompetency and/or inability to secure peace in the Middle-East's Israel-Palestine conflict, over the last eight years in office.

Obama Administration's move cannot be considered insignificant. It can be summed up in pair of tweet, by President Elect, Mr. Donald Trump,   “We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but.......not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!” The Obama Administration, which earlier approved the $38 Billion aid package to Israel, single largest aid package in US history, still stands.

In short, nothing has changed. There will be no shift in US Foreign Policy when it comes to Israel-Palestine conflict, and the unequivocal support Israel gets from US. In less than a month, things will go back to the way they always have been. In fact, it may get even worse than what it is now, as Mr. Trump has vowed to move US Embassy from Tel Aviv to East Jerusalem.

Nevertheless, it carries a huge weight, as for the first time UN Security Council and especially smaller member states, such as Angola and Uruguay, and others were not being bullied by US.

New Zealand's Mission to the UN Tweeted the video. "Applause erupts after @UN #SecurityCouncil passes first resolution on #MiddleEastPeaceProcess in 8 years." Israel has recalled its ambassador from New Zealand.

There are many lessons Canada could learn a lot from New Zealand stance. In past, when it comes to UN resolutions, Canada, whether it’s a Conservative or Liberal government in Ottawa, have simply taken its directions from US when it comes to resolutions regarding Israel-Palestine Conflict.

In reality, Canada does not have its own foreign policy when it comes to Israel-Palestine Conflict. In past for the longest time it did, "Honest Broker, and a Peace-maker." The former Liberal government under PM, Paul Martin, that policy was shelved, and subsequently, the Harper government took a more biased policy towards Israel.  More recently, November 2015, the UN adopted six resolutions but Canada voted against all of them.

There was some hope that PM, Justine Trudeau would revive the old Canadian stance, unfortunately, Canadians were once again disappointed.

It seems clear that the Trudeau Government is playing a "Double Game" in regards to Israel-Palestine conflict. The longer they play this "Double Game" the worst of their position will be among Canadians as well as on an international level.

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper had maintained strong ties with Israel while in office, and often reiterated that “Israel has no greater friend than Canada.”

Since then, the Liberal government has sent mixed messages about what future relations between the two nations will look like.

“There has been a change in rhetoric and that's welcome, but it hasn’t transferred to actual policy yet,” says Hamed Mousavi, who teaches international politics at Carleton University.

"The Liberals first signaled a shift away from the Conservative government’s past approach when Dion called the expansion of Israeli settlements “unhelpful” and said that they “constitute serious obstacles to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace” in a statement in January. However, when Israel seized 579 acres – the largest land grab in recent years – in the West Bank three weeks ago, the European Union released a statement criticizing Israel, saying it violated international law. Canada thus far has remained silent," says Krista Hessey of Open Canada Organization.

Conservative Leadership contender, Lisa Raitt wants Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to "step away from the sideline and deliver a “principled stance” on Israel."

In a statement posted to Facebook on Wednesday, the Conservative Party leadership candidate called last week’s United Nations Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements “disgusting.”

Nonetheless, what exactly does the latest resolution 2334 mean? Does the 14-0 vote reflect a change in International sentiments towards Israel? Now that both US, and UK, have acknowledged backing this latest resolution against Israeli settlements. It is also a well-known fact that majority of the UN members contend that Israeli settlements and how Israeli government administers the occupied territory, violates the Fourth Geneva Convention rules.

How Israel views this latest resolution? What are the practical implication for Israel? Will anything change on the ground for the Palestinians? How has Netanyahu reacted? What other steps are in store? What other moves does Israel fear the U.S. might make? How has Donald Trump responded? What else can he do? How does this affect peace efforts?

The recent UN resolution against Israeli settlements raise more questions, than provides answers or solutions to decades old conflict. Since 1947, nearly 300 UN General Assembly, and precisely 226 UN Security Council resolution has been passed against Israel. However, not one resolution, has been implemented or enforced. In essence, historically, for more than seven decades, UN resolutions, in regards to Israel-Palestine conflict are not even worth the paper that are written upon. UN, by failing to enforce its own resolutions has rendered itself as a toothless paper tiger.

Especially, if countries like Canada chooses to remain on "sidelines" and refusing to weigh in, or just take their directions from United States, there will be no meaningful solutions.

Now that US Foreign Secretary, Mr. John Kerry in a speech stated unequivocally about the current Israeli government, "The current coalition is the most right-wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by most extreme elements." He added, "Israel can either be Jewish, or democratic."

Its time for Canada, especially Prime Minister Trudeau to let his position be known, rather than waiting around for January 20th, 2017 and ask Mr. Donald Trump what he can and cannot say.
