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Re: Regina Christians Target Muslims: to bring them to Jesus.


Regina Christians Target Muslims: to bring them to Jesus. Their stated mission is to help Canadian Muslims become disciples of Jesus Christ. To achieve their aim they have decided “to help Muslims”

They are convinced that many Muslims are converting, and will continue to convert to Christianity. It is the expressed view of the Muslims that actions are judged by intentions. Their rewards then will be commensurate with their real intention, expressed or otherwise. My question to this Christian group is what precisely u want us to learn about Jesus?

Do know that Muslims are duty bound to believe in and respect him, [Jesus.] In fact one cannot be a Muslim and reject this most honored slave of the Creator. Know too that in our Book, The Qur’an we find important teachings of and about this Messenger; from his birth to his disappearance.

I would highly recommend that u go to the nearest Muslim Church, called a Masjid and request a copy of their book in a language u understand. Read for yourself the TRUTH about the Messiah.

Perhaps we should ask have u read your own book?  In 11 Timothy Chap.2, Verse 15 it says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth”.

No one is good except God alone. He, Jesus will say, I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers.Incidentally, does it make a significant difference if we are told Jesus would be called something rather than he was that?

Jesus was the Messiah. Muslims do not deny him this title. But do we mean the same thing? We understand it to mean an anointed one, such as Cyrus, King of Medes and Iran [Isaiah 45:1]

Was Jesus God or subordinate to the One True Unique Creator?

Jesus was unable to do anything on his own Jn 5:30, 14:31 Matt.20:23. No authority Jn 14:10; 8:28,29 The Father was greater Jn 14:28 Did not know the unseen Lk13:32, Matt. 24:36  He prayed…to whom? Himself? Mk.14:39, Lk 5:16 A prophet Lk 13:33,34. Lk.7:16, 24:19. Jn: 6:14,40 Heb. 3:1. A servant of God Acts 3:13, 4:27,30, matt.12:18 Distinction between him and the Father Matt. 23:8-10

Have u ever studied your own book? Does it warn against associating partners with God?

No wonder Jesus called the Father HIS God Jn.20:17 Do u want to find Truth? Consult the Qur’an; remove your confusion and yes help, help Yourselves, help the Muslims, in fact help the world establish pure monotheism!

God Bless US ALL and may He guide All  to the Truth.
