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Donald Trump needs to be stopped in his tracks now


I was shocked and disappointed to read that US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has accepted the endorsement of David Duke, the former Grand Dragon of White Supremacist gang Ku Klux Klan.

In doing so he has indicated that he doesn’t care for the long and hard fight for justice and equality that millions of colored people around the world have fought.

I have personally been a target of David Duke’s venom and vicious racist behavior. David Duke in 1980 came to BC with the intention of establishing a branch of KKK here. He spewed venom and preached hatred on radio stations resulting in many other racist organizations such as Skin Head International and Aryan Nation to crop up here as well.

This resulted in many South Asian homes being bombed and I as President of BC organization to Fight Racism was personally attacked as well.

But steadfast in our resolve to oppose him, we carried out protests with over 2000 people marching on streets against him. I am glad that we were successful in driving him away from BC.

By refusing to denounce the endorsement of David Luke, Trump is clearly signaling that his agenda is racist and divisive.

I fear that the great work done by the Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King will be greatly undermined if Donald Trump is not stopped in his tracks now.

I therefore urge everyone who holds social justice and equality close to their hearts and especially South Asians who have friends and relatives in the US to STOP supporting Donald Trump immediately.
