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Congratulation New P. M.


As good faithful citizens we welcome the new P. M. Justin Trudeau and wish  him well with the sigh of peace. Whether we voted for him or not we are still Canadians, our ID of 'Canadian' do not change as the rule of democracy we don't adopt our ID titles after the party leader's name, unlike the wrongful religious ID based on the leader's names dividing one community created by the Divine authority.

When one accepts Islam the religion ordained by Allah-Creator-GOD one is bestowed with the title 'Muslim', abiding one to be faithful to HIM, worshiping HM only, obeying HIS commands and fulfill the perfect duty to HIM, HIS appointed final Prophet and the religion based on Prophet's teaching only that doesn't divide the One community by changing the title attaching to the leader's names.

The job of performing divine duties perfectly is not easy as it is not only towards Allah but the duty to mankind regardless of the color, culture or religion.
"Muslim' becomes the keeper, and the helper of mankind and becomes a good Samaritan guarding the safety of all the citizens of the world and speaks up against the wrong doings of any leaders.

Evidently, the P.M. too have a most difficult great task to perform to take care of the citizens and keep them happy. He has pages and pages of important issues to sort out that is more work increased than his campaign. Isn't it amazing how they manage the hard work of public speaking for hours and hours and hardly sits down at the desk ordering what to do like some religious leaders taking advantage of the false leadership.

Well, let us perform our duty to the P.M. and the citizens for their safety

