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Three Electoral Commitments Every Muslim Should Make


Here follows a summary of a speech delivered by Shaykh-ul-Hadith, Shaykh Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah, containing valuable advice for the Muslim voter.

The Secret of Success

Allah ta‘ala has placed the desire for progress, and the spirit of mutual competitiveness that accompanies it, into the very nature of man. It is natural for individuals and communities to strive to better themselves and achieve progress. As Muslims, we should open the pages of history to discover and adopt those factors which make a nation prosperous, as long as they fall within the bounds of the Shari‘ah, so that we too can reap the Dini and worldly benefits of progress.

Our study should commence with trying to ascertain the secret behind the success of the noble Sahabah radhiyallahu ‘anhum, for they are the ideal role models of a community that attracted success in its every endeavour. A thoughtful investigation will reveal three prominent qualities which can be attributed to their success. In this election season, every Muslim should commit him/herself to observing these three principles, regardless of their preferred party, in order to secure success and achievement, both on a personal and communal level.

The First Commitment - Taqwa

The Sahabah radhiyallahu ‘anhum hated all disobedience to Allah ta‘ala, they neither had a habit of sinning nor were they fond of any sins. Abstention from sins is the essence of taqwa, and through it Allah ta‘ala has promised relief from every difficulty.

In dealing with the election issue, we must not say or do anything that displeases Allah ta‘ala. Of all the sins to beware of, backbiting and slander are major sins which are a particular threat at such times. One inclined towards a particular party should not backbite or slander a supporter of another party, for in doing so the requirements of taqwa will be compromised; and Divine assistance and blessings cannot be expected in the absence of taqwa.

The Second Commitment - Ikhlas

Every decision taken by the Sahabah radhiyallahu ‘anhum was for the Pleasure of Allah ta‘ala, keeping in mind the life hereafter and the good of the community. Whether standing for election, supporting a party or voting, a Muslim must be pure in his intentions. This intention should be to elect the candidate who will best serve the Muslim community and humanity in general. If a Muslim has sincerity then his vote will go to the right candidate, for he will consider that he is voting to please Allah ta‘ala and therefore he will expend his energies in finding out who the best candidate is.

The Third Commitment - Unity

Unity is a key factor for the success of any nation; a truly united community can withstand any competition. Individuals should have the courtesy of mutual respect despite their political rivalries. Sadly, the Muslim community is a divided one. Every individual has the right to his own opinion and his own preference, within Shar‘i boundaries; but our mutual differences often transform into malice and enmity towards each other. Not even our masajid are free from our feuding. We can only hang our heads in shame when matters come to a head and TV and press reports announce that political wrangling amongst Muslims has spilled over into fights outside a masjid after Friday prayers.

We go to extremes: if we like something in a particular person, we praise him to the extreme, whereas if we disagree with someone on one issue, we become blind to all the good qualities he possesses. Our dealings are but a faint shadow of the Islamic concept of brotherhood, taught to us by our beloved Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam. True brotherhood demands that whatever our political stripe, we should be able to sit at a table and sacrifice our political allegiances for the sake of Allah ta‘ala and agree to support the candidate who is best for the Muslims and the country in general. We should be willing to marginalise our differences in order to progress in a common direction.

In fact, if the Muslims of a particular constituency were to unite on a single platform and form a committee, responsible for recommending the best candidate to Muslim voters, every party would turn to the committee and seriously consider its demands on behalf of the Muslim community. They would realise the importance of securing the Muslim vote. All that is needed to achieve unity is a little sacrifice and the willingness to swallow one’s pride. May Allah ta‘ala grant us all the longing to strive for taqwa, ikhlas and unity. Amin.

Using Your Vote

1. The vote is very important. It is a means of electing the person most beneficial for the community and our country.

2. Voting is a big responsibility. Not voting or voting incorrectly will bring power to the wrong person.

3. The best candidate deserves our vote.

4. We should become politically aware.

5. We should read every party’s manifesto.

6. We should study party policies via the internet, radio, newspapers and refer to knowledgeable people in our communities, who possess political acumen.

7. We should find out which party offers us the best in all spheres of life: education, housing, health, social issues, foreign policy etc. Deciding on a party by just looking at one issue does not constitute farsightedness.

8. We should think rationally and not make judgements based on emotions.

9. Finally, we should make du‘a to Allah ta‘ala, asking Him to enable us to make the right choice and that He grants success to those who will serve the country and its citizens without any prejudice or wrong.
