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Certification of Canadian Imams


In July 2015, the Conservative majority Senate Security and Defence Committee in order to curb radicalization presented 25 recommendations to the federal government. Among them the most controversial of all was urging the federal government to explore Imam Training and Certifications.

No let us assure you this is not another rant against Prime Minister Harper’s Conservative government. We must give credit where it is due. The good news is, Harper government in fact rejected the recommendation. As reported by Global News, “According to a spokesperson for the Minister of Public Safety. “The recommendation in question is not something our Government is considering,” Jeremy Laurin said in an email. The recommendation – that “the federal government work with the provinces and the Muslim communities to investigate the options that are available for the training and certification of imams in Canada”

“The presence of that radicalized ideology led to the suggestion to look at certifying imams, according to the committee’s Conservative chair Daniel Lang. “That belief system…as extreme as it is, is being taught to them by someone somewhere,” Lang said. “If we had Canadian imams training Canadian imams, in conjunction with that it would also indirectly bring forward our Canadian values that we all stand for.” Lang added the recommendation came from testimony heard during the committee’s hearings. “We had a number of representatives from the Muslim communities that felt that would be a step in the right direction,” he said.

Of course, this was upsetting too many, Muslims leaders, organizations, advocacy groups, etc. Many felt this was yet another example of singling out Muslims. All spoken out loud and clear that this is not going to fly, and why just Muslims.

Let’s just focus on three aspects.

The first the recommendation and its basis, “We had a number of representatives from the Muslim communities that felt that would be a step in the right direction.”

The second component is the implementation, which falls on the shoulder of federal government, and they have made their position also clear on this issue, that is, “the federal government work with the provinces and the Muslim communities to investigate the options that are available for the training and certification of imams in Canada.”

The third, is community leaders, Muslim organizations, association, mosques committees and administration to examine the scope of recommendations, and solution put forward by the federal government and see if it is truly viable for the long term benefit of the community, our children, and our existence in this country for the future.

Obviously, there is a need to tighten security for all Canadians, which includes us as well, Canadian Muslims.

Obviously, federal government has security concerns which impacts all Canadians, including Canadian Muslims.

Let’s face the facts, no one is more vulnerable of falling in trap of some wing nut right wing extremist than our children. Let’s face the facts, we have all either known of, or heard of, thank fully, not particularly here in Canada, but elsewhere in the world of some Mullah, or Shaykh, who quiet conveniently preaches from the safe comfort of his home or center, guaranteeing paradise with seventy two virgins to other people’s children, persuading them to the point of engaging in Jihad, however does not wish to see his own children enjoy such luxury in paradise.

That is our point. It is much easier to preach, persuade, and prepare other people’s children to go on some fictitious jihad, and people are doing it.

The Senate Committee’s recommendation to the government is find a way to curb that, at least for the Canadian children – Canadian Muslim Children.

Yes there is another aspect of it which is of course making Muslim community which already feels being marginalized under current political context. Muslim community’s arguments, are also grounded, as to why just Muslims. The government cannot regulate Christians, and various denominations of Christianity and same goes for other religions as well.

However, if we do look closely, first of all other communities are not facing the issues and problems, which the Muslim community is facing. We have a unique problem on hand, and no one has presented a solutions on how to address, resolve and overcome that problem. We have to agree, we just cannot continue like this – in denial – either. If the Muslim community collectively can come up with a better solution than it should be presented to the federal government for considerations. We need to resolve it and we need to resolve it now!

We believe that there is a need, whether we do it internally, so the issue is resolved within the community on a nationwide basis, so it does not leave a room for anyone to criticize the entire community for the actions of few. All it takes is one wing nut and the entire community is prosecuted.

If we just recall last year when the Canadian Border Guard was shot at the Peace Arch crossing in BC, the entire community, especially in Vancouver, BC, was in a state of shock, praying, that the shooter be not a Muslim. Thank fully, it was not!

It is usually one incident that puts our communities years of hard work and commitment far back than if the Senate committee recommendations, with the willingness of the federal government as a collaborative partner, if the Muslim community can find some breathing space on such situation. Than it is our belief that it should be considered.

We should not feel ashamed as being zeroed-in. We have seen similar issues in past, such as Indo-Canadian Drug gang wars. It was only after intervention by the provincial government, exploring all avenues to find a lasting solution, finally allowed the Indo-Canadian Punjabi community some breathing room. Similar intervention by the provincial government in Alberta, with the Somali youth, who were just few year back burying one youth a week, led to some lasting solution – breathing room for the Somali community in Alberta.

Canadian Muslim problems with extremism, in the eyes of average Canadian is serious, whether it is politically motivated, or media driven, that is not the issue. The issue is there is a problem, and Muslim leadership needs to do, explore all avenues to address it, so the finger cannot be pointed at all of us for being non-cooperative.

