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Shaykh Mahmoud Madani, General Secretary, Jamiatul Ulama, India Visits Vancouver


During the first week of August Vancouver Muslim community was honoured by a visitor, former Member of Parliament, from India, an outspoken individual for the Muslims of India, and a well-known, much respected Islamic Scholar, Shaykh Mahmoud Madani, General Secretary, Jamiatul Ulama, India.

Although his visit was a very short one, but it was full of activities where he shared his knowledge and experience, educating the local community members. Within a span of 48 hours, the Shaykh delivered three informative lectures. The first one in BCMA Surrey Mosque, on August 3rd. later on same day he held another lecture at Masjid Al-Noor in Surrey, and on August 4th, at the Afghan Chopan Restaurant.

The title of his third lecture, was Islah-e-Muashrah (Correcting the Society) the Shaykh urged people, in light of Hadith and Sunnah, to pay closer attention to one’s family, in raising children, on dealing with spouse, dealing with friend, families, and neighbours, especially, in light of the fact that we live in a non-Muslim society, we have to be extra vigilante in projecting the correct image of Islam, and pay special attention in caring for our neighbours, especially non-Muslim neighbours, as they have rights over us, and it is our duty as Muslims to tend to their needs and take care of them as we would of our Muslim neighbours.

His lecture, expanded in highlighting the need for every Muslim to be best in whatever the field we may be employed in and apply Islamic principles of being just in trading and dealing with others. He stressed upon the point that we cannot succeed in our worldly professions unless we apply Islamic principles of honesty and fair-dealings with others. He placed a greater burden on those who are business owners, pointing out the fact that Islam places a high onus on dealing with all honesty in business.

The culmination of his lecture was that we need to correct our own selves first, and if we do that, the rest of the society will correct itself. Simply stated, the problem is not outside, the problem is within and of we can identify the problem and correct it, the rest will take care of it itself.


