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Hitler and Harper - Can’t See the Difference!


What is the difference between Hitler and Harper? None – They Both Start with Letter H – Two Sides of the same coin!

What does recently passed legislations, Bill C-24 and Bill C-51 by the Conservatives, under Prime Minister Harper’s leadership have in common? It stinks as a revival of Nazi Hitler’s Era of 1930’s which ultimately led to the Jewish holocaust. Need we say more? All we can say is that all Canadians need to be worried and if you happen to be a Muslim Canadian, then you need to be worried thrice as other average Canadians. Some see it as strengthening Canadian Citizenship and Immigration laws, domestic security, we see it as repeat of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich Propaganda against the Jews – Except this time target is not the Jewish, rather Muslim population.

There is a reason behind having Prime Minister Harper’s Pictures circulating on social media websites sometime depicted as a Devil and other time as Hitler. There are incredible similarities as to how Hitler was able to transmit and impose his twisted Anti-Jewish mindset, convincing a nation from initially Loathing Jewish citizens of Germany to eventually mass murdering Europe ‘s Jewish Population – Holocaust – and what PM Harper and his Conservatives Anti-Muslim Sentiments and how they engaged themselves over past several years.

As Canadians we are not against strengthening domestic laws and international foreign policies. We are against the when laws are being made to target a selected group of individuals it is no longer a law – it is a hate literature, and the most dangerous aspect of laws and legislation is its political correctness. Since most laws are written using language that is “Politically Correct” projecting neutrality and remain unbiased, but it always has a “Subject” in Mind, for instance Bill C-24 and Bill C-51 – the Subjects are clearly Canadian Muslims. The danger lies, it can be applied to any Canadian – Individual or a Group – all you need is someone who adores Hitler, and wishes to follow his footsteps – Voila – You have a problem in your hand. Today the subjects are Canadian Muslims, who knows who the next guy make his subject, maybe he would like Muslims but not the Jews, or Hindus, or Buddhist, or Sikhs…

It seems as if the Conservatives are planning a repeat of Third Reich Holocaust, which in modern English may be defined as, destruction or slaughter on mass scale. However, historically it represents a Jewish Sacrificial Offering that is completely burned at an altar.  Unfortunately, Hitler was obsessed or terrified of Abraham’s Jewish Progeny, and our PM is obsessed and terrified with the other Progeny, Muslims.

Nonetheless, we would like to highlight the similarities between step taken by Hitler to annihilate Jewish population from Europe, steps so far taken by our PM and its Conservatives. There does not seem to a difference, in fact, it is the similarities which scares us more.

History is testament to the fact that Hitler did not overnight come to power, developed hatred towards Jews, convince rest of the Germans to his twisted mentality and hatred towards Jews, suddenly built massive concentration camps, and killed more than half million Jewish Population.

Hitler engaged in a long-term massive propaganda campaign first against its own, Germany’s Jewish population. His propaganda machine moved slowly, and very systematically, until all Germans accepted his twisted doctrine and subscribed to it. Something which seems to be repeating under PM Harper, and his Conservative Mindset.   

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website: “On September 16, 1919, Hitler issues his first written comment on the so-called Jewish Question. In the statement, he defined the Jews as a race and not a religious community, characterized the effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. The “ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.”

On February 2nd, 2015 PM Harper made this statement when addressing questions from the media: ““It doesn’t matter what the age of the person is, or whether they’re in a basement, or whether they’re in a mosque or somewhere else.”

However this is not the only incident, the list is very long, Conservative’s Niqab Ban, and comments passed by PM himself and his Ministers and Members of Parliaments have been repeatedly identified by legal and other professionals as fuelling anti-Muslim sentiments. Comments and examples such as: In March, 2015, Conservative backbencher Larry Miller was forced to apologize after saying women who insist on wearing a veil during the citizenship ceremony should “stay the hell where they came from.” The PM itself on this issue has stated during a parliamentary session, defending his government’s niqab ban policy as “rooted in a culture that is anti-woman.”

Adolf Hitler as German chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Third Reich, Nazi State quickly became a regime in which citizens had no guaranteed basic rights. The Nazi rise to power brought an end to the Weimar Republic, the German parliamentary democracy established after World War I.  It soon started imprisoning political opponents simply classifying them as “Dangerous.” Extensive propaganda was used to spread the Nazi Party’s racist goals and ideals. During the first six years of Hitler’s dictatorship, German Jews felt the effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private lives.

The rest is history!
As Canadians, regardless of our origin, ethnicity, religious or cultural affiliations afford to allow Mr. Harper and His Conservatives to run about and make changes to long established laws, policies and procedures to suit their own whims and desires without any public or parliamentary oversight?

What guarantee is there that today Canadian Muslims are being placed at the bottom of the Totem Pole and today it might be some other group?

Many such concerns and questions need to be raised and addressed, until we find the right answer and solution. Canadian Muslims need to be on extra high alert to changes introduced by Mr. Harper and His Conservatives as it is clearly as seen by all Canadians seemed to be aimed at none other than Canadian Muslims.

If we are unwilling to act and engage in Canadian political forum than we deserve to miserably wait for the rebirth of Hitler with a similar agenda. Time To Wake Up Happy Ramadan.
