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Justin Trudeau’s Exclusive One to One Talk with AlAmeen


On November 12, 2014 Alameen Post had an opportunity to speak about the concerns of the Muslim Community and  exchange ideas with  Mr. Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

It was semi-formal meeting where AlAmeen Managing Editor, Mr. Jafar Bhamji had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Trudeau one on one. Both sides had the opportunity to exchange ideas, and share thoughts.

Mr. Bhamji Thanked Mr. Trudeau on behalf of the community for the stand he had taken and his positive statement issued on the day of Ottawa Shooting.

Number of topics discussed included Mr. Trudeau’s affinity and level of ease with the Canadian Muslim Community, for which he often receives criticism for, by his opponents. Mr. Trudeau acknowledged, that is often the case, and expressed his concerns, “What worries me about that people are getting away with the level of intolerance that I think is very unCanadian, so it takes people willing to stand up for their principles.” He feels that Muslim in Canada under the circumstances are always on the defensive and he feels that Canadian Muslims need “People from outside your community to be strong voices and that’s my view on Political Leadership.”

In reference to the Ottawa shooting and statements given by the other two political leaders, especially when it comes to Canadian Muslims, he feels that they could have done a better job. He feels that in light of the 9/11 incidents and lessons learned from it, that any time such an incident does occur there has to be strong message needed to be sent to separate the muslims from the terrorist.

In reference to the incident in Cold Lake Alberta, where a mosque was vandalized immediately after the Ottawa Shooting, Mr. Trudeau stated, “I was so proud where that example of terrible ignorance and graffiti where one of the oldest and longest settled Islamic Community in Canada, The whole reached out to assist.”

AlAmeen discussed highlights of the non-scientific survey that was conducted during the previous federal election, at several all candidates meetings, arranged by AlAmeen, and based on Muslim Community’s response where racial profiling was a big concern. He also acknowledged that Muslim Canadians were just as concerned about the issues affecting all Canadians, such as healthcare, education, employment, which were top three concerns. He recognizes that there are extremists in each group. He believes that the way to bridge the gap is to focus on things that are similar among various groups and built on that.

Reflecting back to the Annual Muslim Youth Conference, RIS Convention in Toronto, over which he was heavily criticised by his opponents. Mr. Trudeau provided us with an insight for his reasons for attending RIS. Mr. Trudeau outlined his vision of Canada, which is based on Sir. Wlifred Laurier, Canada’s first Liberal Prime Minister who believed in “How we are strong not in spite of our difference, but because of those differences. How paths of understanding and openness of compromise are actually the harder paths than just staying firm in your positions.”

AlAmeen did pose a question to Mr. Trudeau regarding his father’s shadow hanging over him and how he intends to separate himself from that.

This of course not a news to Mr. Trudeau, as he pointed towards his book, where he addresses the issue on how he is trying to develop his own identity, one that is distinguished from his father. Nonetheless, he stated “Yes there are people who like me because of my father, equally, there are people who dislike me because of my father,” and that “he had to learn to demonstrate his own personality, and it has made me a stronger person.” Mr. Trudeau’s strongest statement of this interview came at mid-point when he stated, “The level of respect that I have for all of Canada’s diversity comes because I learned those values from my father.”

In reference to the calls for the closure of the mosque in Quebec, Mr. Trudeau believes that “Principle that is so important is that politicians need to be sharing messages of inclusion and of respect for each other.”

In reference to past Quebec elections over Quebec’s Charter of Rights for which he was proud of Quebec voters, who were able to see how some politicians may have been trying “to create division over narrow political gains.” Mr. Trudeau is totally against and has faith in Canadian Public to see through to it, and make the right decision at the end.

On the subject of Liberal Party’s strategy in having Muslim Canadians running on Liberal platform in the next federal elections. Mr. Trudeau indicated that they have already identified several strong Muslim Candidates and are working towards adding more names, and was confident that they will have people from all diverse backgrounds be part of his team “Inshaa Allah.”
