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Thank you for your Vote


Thank you very much for your support, trust and honor you have given me in the Civic election. Alhamdulillah, over 9500 of you voted for me. Even though that was not enough to get elected, but the greatest part is that you and I were able to mobilize thousands of Muslims to go to poling stations to cast their votes. That is an awesome beginning and a turning point in local Muslims' engagement with the political system.

Words cannot do justice to my gratitude towards all those brothers and sisters who openly and behind the scene helped in spreading my message to all of you. I can never pay you back; only Allah can give you Ajr and reward for all that work you have done. Alhamdulillah, with your support we have made the point that Muslims are an important part of politics in Surrey. Now, we are recognized as an important part of the Surrey mosaic. We do matter.

May Allah accept your efforts and bless you with His countless blessings.

Thank you very much.


Sikandar Hayat
