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Surrey Mayoral Elections


In a few days, we will elect a new mayor for Surrey.  What are our choices?

McCallum:  When he was mayor previously, he screwed up royally.  He awarded contracts to his cronies, crime was rampant, the streets were filthy, prostitutes everywhere.  If he comes back, how do we know he will not fall back on his old habits?  I, for one, would not elect him.

Rasode: She is quarrelsome.  Do you want a quarrelsome woman as your mayor?  I don't.

Hepner:  With her almost all-white slate makes you wonder whose interests she has at heart.

All other candidates are newcomers, wanabes.

This race will certainly be interesting.  I feel that Hepner is most likely to win, but time will tell.

Best of luck to all the candidates.

M  Hajee  
