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Op-Ed: Canada should mind its own business in Iraq


 Canada is flexing its military might against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) by sending a coalition of contributing CF-18s and air support for the next six months.

Why get involved in a situation that doesn’t threaten the national security of the Great White North?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper claims that the threat of ISIL, otherwise also known as ISIS, poses a risk to the international community and that Canada must play a bigger role in the global fight against the terrorist group. Apparently United States President Barack Obama urged the Conservative prime minister to play a greater role, and the Canadian leader bowed down, er, accepted graciously.

Instead of minding its own business like it did a decade ago by refusing to join coalition forces and invading Iraq, Canada has now continued the trend of embarking upon new and more dangerous military missions. Rather than risking the lives of Canadians, the government should just mind its own business.

Proponents of striking this group, which couldn’t even fill a bingo hall and are quite primitive, say it’s time for Canada to have a larger appearance on the international stage, even if it means wasting taxpayer dollars and lives - just this week two Iraqi helicopters were shot down by ISIS. It’s an issue for Iraq and the region, not a nation that has zero interests in the Middle East.

If the incumbent federal government insists on continuing the tradition of former Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent and engaging in issues around the globe, Canada will be at a higher risk of being a target amongst these terrorist organizations. Maintaining a non-interventionist foreign policy in Canada would be the better route to take as opposed to intervening in messy, complicated and violent matters.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has even gone on record as saying this is a generational problem and the fight against ISIL and others could last for decades. Does this mean that if the U.S. puts boots on the ground, which most military experts say will happen, will the current and new government perform the same duties?

The New Democratic Party and the Liberal Party opposed the Conservatives’ recent endeavors on Parliament Hill this week. However, voters mustn’t buy into the disingenuous position. If Liberal leader Justin Trudeau or NDP leader Thomas Mulcair were prime minister they would instruct the House of Commons to vote in favor of doing the exact same thing that Prime Minister Harper is doing right now.

The mission against ISIL could establish a dangerous precedent for future Canadian governments. Ottawa should refrain from being knaves and lapdogs to the U.S. and Europe. Canada already lost too much in Afghanistan, and it risks a lot more in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Focusing on another nation’s business and attempting to avenge the deaths of a few adrenaline junkies takes away from domestic matters. Canada already suffers from more than half a trillion dollars worth of debt, an inadequate labor market and far too much corruption. Let’s hone in on issues at home before we start trying to solve the issues of the world that do not concern Canada whatsoever.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama has already invaded seven Muslim countries and has created more enemies. Let’s not have our prime ministers and MPs be complicit with a nation that wants to impose its military will on other countries.

How about peace, prosperity and minding our own business instead of bombs, force and aggression?

This opinion article was written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author.
