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Moonfighting : in the name of Unity


Many Muslims feel that Eid supposed to be a source of unity among Muslims, a force to demonstrate our strength. Unfortunately, this Eid-al-Adha was anything but that.

This Eid, across lower mainland many Muslims were upset with the way organizations decided upon celebrating the Eid on two separate days. One on basis of verified moon sighting policy of BCMA and another based on Saudi moon sighting. The confusion clearly sent a message that Muslims are not united.

We need to learn to first understand, then accept, respect and celebrate our differences and demonstrate to the world that despite all our minor logistical differences; we the Global Muslims community (Ummah) as whole are united on basic principles and tenants of Islam, which are Tawheed (Monotheism) and Risalat (Finality of Prophet Mohammed SAW), on these points there is absolutely No Compromise, and that is our source of Unity and Collective Strength.
Mufti Aasim Rashid highlighted the above points and addressed this issue quiet eloquently in his Jumuah Khutbah. He stated in general that Eid is not the only source of unity. In fact pointed out, focusing on this aspect alone causes greater disunity and unwanted discomfort and displeasure about Muslims celebrating Eid on two different days.

Muslims need to start talking about a lot of things Muslim are united about such as our Tauheed, Risalat, etc. instead of things that I minor issues. In fact for centuries Muslims have been celebrating Eid based on their local sighting. In past 1436 year of history of Muslims there is not a single Eid that was celebrated together.
The South African Ulema did in an article also and expressed concern on how the Muslims are being misled to believe Eid is supposed to be a source of unity. It is an attack on Islam and Muslims by some mischief mongers with shallow or limited understanding of Islam.
Firstly if Allah SWT wanted Eid to be a source of unity and celebrated at one time he would have definitely made us to follow the sun with regards to the timing like we do for Salat instead of the moon.  But Allah in his wisdom chose the moon to be the deciding factor. So to say Eid is to be celebrated together just cannot be achieved from the moon sighting based on scientific the global nature of the moon.
Secondly Just as Salat at different times does not adversely affect the unity of the Ummah, similarly, Eid on different days does not affect the unity of the Ummah. Hanafi and Shaafi timings for Salat are different and many others aspects of Salat like Rafadain and intention and masail of wudhu are so different in the different madhabs but yet we are united on Salat.
There are couples who are married in different madhabs the husband is Hanafi and wife Shaafi. In Shaafi madhab, a man touching his wife invalidates the wudhu of the wife but not the husbands wudhu as he is following the hanafi madhab, and the husband and wife are together united.
In fact we should take from this example and learn to respect each other instead of bickering over small frivolous things that do not matter.
Another matter of concern is that one feels everyone should follow his way, My Way or the Highway. This approach is wrong and divisive. Quran clearly states, “There is absolutely no compulsion in Deen (Way of Life, Islam).” No one can compel others to follow his or their version of Islam. Just because we follow a different madhabs, it does not mean we are not united. This argument is as bogus and corrupt as it destroys the unity that exist in Muslims. If there is no unity as many claim why do so many Muslims pray at Jumuah Salat together? Hajj is another great example of global Muslim Unity. None can supersede the show of Unity and Strength of Muslim Ummah.
To rant no unity is to actually engage Muslims in useless frivolous talks that actually lead Muslims to disengage and cause disunity among Muslims. Opening doors for arguments over what is not even a Fard in Islam.

In Gambia, the Old Guard of the population has rejected the Saudi decree. However, the government in Gambia has issued a proclamation banning Eid on Saturday.  Those who dare to celebrate Eid on Saturday will be arrested. This is the effect of Saudi hegemony which is the consequence of following the Saudi regime just so that they can get some monetary handouts from the Saudis. The Gambian decision has nothing to do with Sharia. It would be easy to conclude the decisions of Eid are rather solely based not on the moon but “Mooney” that can be received or held back.

The acts of the Gambian government banning and arresting people is gone too far – it is uncalled for and against the principles of Sharia. This rigidness’ among Muslims has to go. The actions of such rigid interpretations is causing disunity and if that is a fact that has to be resolved.
Furthermore, the South Africa Ulema in their majlis stated “an Ummah which is appallingly disunited and fragmented, cutting at the throats of one another and stabbing treacherously at the hearts of one another, can never be united by submitting to Saudi hegemony thereby celebrating Eid on the same day.  Unity in the wake of celebrating Eid on the same day, is an hallucination of people who lack intelligence, and who lack understanding of the Sharia. Unity is the consequence of complete submission to the Sharia and adoption of the Sunnah.”
In the wake of  Obedience to Allah Ta'ala, comes unity. Confirming this fact, the Qur'aan declares: "It is He (Allah) Who has aided you (O Muhammad!) with His help  and with the Mu'mineen. And, it is He Who has created mutual  love in  their hearts (the hearts of the Mu'mineen). If you had to spend whatever there is on earth (all of its wealth), you will not be able to create mutual  love in their hearts. But, it is Allah Who creates  love amongst them. Verily, He is Mighty and Wise." (Al-Anfaal, Aayat 62)

Unity is not the product of stupidities nor the consequence of hallucinatory prescriptions and remedies conjectured by the unqualified, moronic self-appointed reformists of the Ummah. The Unity commanded by Allah Ta'ala is interwoven with the "Rope of Allah", i.e., the Sharia. The Qur'aan states in this regard: "Hold on firmly to the Rope of Allah, and do not split up."
The Sharia obliges us to establish the Islamic months in accordance with the commands of Allah Ta'ala as transmitted to the Ummah by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
The  Qur'aanic criterion is quite clear in matters of deen "Then We have established you on a Sharia regarding (all) affairs. Therefore follow it, and do not follow the vain desires who know not."
