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Obama: Killing of James Foley ‘Shocks the Conscience’ of the World".



Obama on Journalist’s Killing: ‚No Just God Would Stand For What They Did”.


With due respect:
Yes, President Obama, you are absolutely right!. We recognize your painful words, and the pain of the Parents of the Journalist murdered, and the murder of Ferguson African American young boy: Loosing innocent Sons, is a great tragedy, so is the greatest tragedy of Gazan’s lost lives and livelihood.

Though, the world has been expecting the same words from you and your ‚allies’ and ‚Supporters’,  in the matter of horrific massacre of Gazans, murders  of Children, bulldozing the Buildings, homes and Hospitals full of refugees, injured people covered with blood and Children crying and screaming with pain that is still giving us the nightmare and has shocked the whole world, but most painful is to listen to the encouraging  words to Israeli P.M. to go ahead with his ‚Defensive’ horrific holocaust of innocent Palestinian civilians. That no Just, Righteous, GOD fearing people would stand for it. Yet, it is O.K. by some.

  Why is it so painful to see one murder and not the other?

Well, it all boils down to the concept of ‚we’ and ‚You’, or ‚Us’ and ‚They’.

  This proves the hatred of one nation and the love for the other, which is discrimination.

 The same concept of hatred is used by the ISIS, which is ethically wrong, not accepted by the Creator-GOD, but these so-called Muslims have no idea or knowledge of true Islam, and no doubt they are guided by the evil anger and hatred of others, which is absolutely forbidden by Sharia/Divine law, which is  clear in one of the ISIS idiotic statement on CNN: “he couldn’t practice Islam  in his Home country (Britain)”.

 I wonder what kind of Islam he is talking about, obviously of killing and  terrorizing the people, which can only be done in other countries and not in the Western countries where we can practice the true Islam peacefully, which proves they are out to kill Islam but pretending to establish  Islam and Caliphate.

If only I can get in touch with them to give them a few lessons on Islam and humanity that I learned after my conversion to Islam.
