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Tough Times For Muslims


 We live in rough global times with no end in sight to the misery and corruption. 

 There is no shortage of crooked incompetence in governments with peverted acts and reckless money mismanagement that splits society. No limit to the growing crime spree that sprawls across this nation and others spawned by the illegal drug trade with lowlife criminal street gangs that stain our streets with blood and fear while we spend alot on policing resources and courts with joke results. 

 More bad news, there is a growing rift between rich and poor while the former laugh in our faces with their arrogance and sickening wealth while political headships shield them instead of taxing these jokers to bring social classes closer together economically. There is vile impurities in television that have put the social media and entertainment industry into the toilet bowl gutter of shame. Man is his own worst enemy. 

 There is increasing lineups at food banks, charities, soup kitchens and more while our tax money slips to help others in the global arena. Where were many of these nations in ww1 & ww2 when we fought Hitler?   

 Then there is Islam, a religious path in life. 

  However, there is a growing undertow within those who follow this way of life that is disconcerting to  converts who, are confused at the 2-faced hypocrisy. The last six years, I have followed Islam, as a convert, to the point where I want to yank out my hair in a sense of self implosion after seeing bad behavior from many cultures. 

  As A BC resident, I avoid the masjid because of my contempt for rude children, noise interruptions, poor social ettiquette, bad language, wasting food, throwing garbage on the mosque floor, chronic tardiness, misconducts, rudeness, etc. that is sad to witness. Some even walk by you and don't even say, 

  How can we show Islam to others when we have such negative behaviors?  

  There are two types of Mulsims, one that is born into the religion and feels entitled to think they know it all or those who convert who seek the truth. I do not say one is better than the other but, some bully converts than accept their views. How many of you tried to help another struggling for work within our community other than born Muslims helping their own? How many of you bring food at Eid dinners or help functions rather than sit on your bottoms relaxing while others work? 

  Canada has, in many ways, better itself through its immigration but with it also comes collateral misfortunes. We need to unite against terrorism, injustices and indifferences. If an Imam or Sheik speaks out derrogatively against Sunni, Shite or Ismali report him as we do not need that nonsense that splits, not promotes harmony. Try to be more proactive and reactive to root out suspicious activities like terrorist suspects that destroy our moral fabrics and split the community. 

  Maybe we all need to look in the mirror and try to improve. 

  Yes it sounds like doom and gloom, but lets us not deny the truth - we can do much better and Allah is watching.


Article Source: ALAMEEN POST